AufklarungsPanzer Model
I was very surprise to stumble across this model in a hobby shop in Slovakia a few years back and since I had a fair bit of info on it I decided to buy a few. On opening the box I was hit by the heavy detail on view but it was not until I started the building process how difficult the construction was but I struggled on and with a bit of improvisation here and there I was pretty happy with the final result but as a limited run plastic kit it is not near the standard of todays kits. The main problem I found as with the Grille is the amount of cleaning to get parts to fit well and the filling afterwards. (on a positive note the little brass turret sheild is a beautiful piece!)

I added a lot of extra's to this one, I added a new MG, gun guard, and detailed the turret sheilds I also added star and normal antenna as well as new exhaust and boxes and jack. I painted the vehicle with a 3 tone late war camo using my usual technique and the figure is from SHQ's panzer crew set. (He was painted with acrylics and although wargamey I'm happy with the way his pea pattern trousers came out)

I'm afraid to say that I found this a very challenging model to put together and am sure I will not be tackling another one in a hurry too soon . . .

Please note that the actual colours are not just as harsh as shown. Many thanks to Ian Hanratty for the photo's
. . . I would not recommend it to younger modellers for the reasons listed above however if you like a challenge and you really want this vehicle in plastic then give it a go. The price of the Attack kits in the UK is frightening £10 in some places and I feel this is not worth it.